Non-Surgical Treatment for Musculoskeletal Pain

Musculoskeletal pain is an everyday issue for many people. It can by caused by muscle tissue damage from daily wear and tear or injury. People suffering from musculoskeletal pain often have trouble sleeping and are regularly fatigued, in addition to constant paint in their muscles or joints. For those with severe osteoarthritis or a similar condition that is causing musculoskeletal pain, surgery may seem like the only option to relieve their discomfort. For those of advanced age, surgery may be risky as their bodies become more fragile. For younger sufferers of this condition, surgery is costly, not without some risk and additionally should often be the last option.

Arthritic joints produce catabolic proteases, which are chemicals that break down cartilage. This process is what causes musculoskeletal pain. Surgery is an invasive and a last resort (ex. fusion or joint replacement) for pain management in these cases.

A2M injections is the answer for people who want to manage their pain without surgery.

What Is A2M?

A2M is also known as alpha-2-macroglobulin. It is found naturally in high concentrations in blood. The large plasma protein (A2M) works by targeting proteins that attack joint cartilage, similar to white blood cells role in infection.

What Does A2M Help?

A2M injections can provide pain relief for a variety of diseases, such as:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Tendonitis
  • Post-Traumatic Arthritis
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Gout
  • Ligament injuries

A2M can be used with neck, hip, knee, back, shoulder, hand, foot, and ankle injuries.

How Does A2M Help?

The three classifications of proteins that break down cartilage include Cytokines, Matrix Metalloproteinases, and ADAMTS Degradation Proteases. By binding and capturing these catabolic proteases in joints, A2M can help to neutralize their effect. By using a “bait and trap” mechanism, A2M inactivates the bad chemicals and their degenerative qualities. Because A2M is found naturally in the body, highly concentrated injections can prevent degeneration, promote regeneration, manage pain, and stop the progression of various diseases.

This is the first injection treatment for osteoarthritis and similar conditions that can inhibit and stop the progression of cartilage loss. It has been proven through multiple scientific studies that A2M injections are beneficial, most notably through this study from the American College of Rheumatology.

Ask your health provider about your A2M options. For further information, consider the work of Cytonics Corporation. They are the first company to develop strategies using A2M technology. Their ambition is to lead the world in diagnostic products for musculoskeletal diseases and to develop effective treatment for joint pain, back pain, and osteoarthritis.